I, well, mostly my art, got a brilliant writeup in The Lancaster [PA] Sunday News this past Father's Day.
The article was penned by Stephen Kopfinger; who did a great article on OCD Camp (with Dr. Oz and Philadelphia anxiety expert Dr. Jonathan Grayson). OCD Camp was a special, similar to that of The OCD Project, that ran on Oprah in 2008.
My favorite excerpt from the article was probably this:
"Those levels tie together in such works as "3 Faucets," which at first blush looks like a benign, if abstract, representation of folded hands. But in the light of OCD: Are those hands clasped in prayer and contemplation, or engaged in frantic washing? The painting (actually a giclée print of the original) hangs prominently on a hallway wall in the house."
But there were so many snippets from the news correspondent that I enjoyed. Thanks Stephen and The Lancaster Sunday News team!